Friday, January 18, 2013

How to start Homeschooling

 1.       Locate your local homeschool group and join other homeschoolers online. Facebook is GREAT!

2.       Visit the local library and check out the resources for homeschoolers.

3.       Go to your local teacher's store. They have great workbooks, educational toys and games, and school supplies.

4.       Locate curriculum providers and possibly consider attending a curriculum fair.

5.       Consider joining a home-schooling co-op. It may be easier to decide your family’s homeschooling styles first as all homeschooling co-ops are not equal.

6.       Determine your child’s academic level; keep in mind that he/she may be at several different levels

7.        Determine your child’s learning style; keep in mind he/she may learn best in a combination of approaches.

8.       Based on your child’s academic levels and learning style, select an appropriate curriculum.

9.       If your child has NEVER attended a public school in the state of Connecticut, there are no legal obligations. If he/she has attended schools, you will need to complete a withdrawal form at your local board of education.

10.    Think about joining HSLDA, (Home School Legal Defense Association).  The cost is $100 per year for your entire family, and well worth it in protecting your (and everybody else's) right to homeschool.

11.   Determine a realistic schedule that will best suit your family.

12.   Relax and have fun on the educational journey, but be sure to keep a few people to act as resources!

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